Get Started with Dart (Free course)

Get Started with Dart (Free course)

Hello friends! It’s with great excitement to announce that I have released my first ever Dart course on! It’s free to watch and it only takes half an hour to go through it.

The purpose of this short course is to give you an overview of the language features and tooling of the Dart ecosystem. This will provide you with a base knowledge to be able to build web, server and mobile applications.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this short course:

  1. Setup Your First Dart Project on Mac

  2. Setup Your First Dart Project on Windows

  3. Setup Your First Dart Project on Linux

  4. Understand Built-in Types in Dart

  5. Understand Variables and Constants in Dart

  6. Define Optional Named and Positional Parameters for Functions and Methods in Dart

  7. Control Flow Statements in Dart

  8. Understand Classes and Inheritance in Dart

  9. Define Interfaces and Share Class Members through Mixins in Dart

  10. Capture and Return Asynchronous Values with Futures in Dart

  11. Capture and Handle Data Sequences with Streams in Dart

  12. Manage Package Dependencies with Pub

Watch the full course