AngularDart Tutorial: Let’s Build a Bookmark Manager (Part 1)

AngularDart Tutorial: Let’s Build a Bookmark Manager (Part 1)

In this video series we will be looking at the AngularDart framework, building a Bookmark Manager to store our favourite clippings from the web. This single page app will allow us to perform the usual CRUD operations. At the end of this video, we will have the skeleton for our app, displaying a list of bookmarks with delete functionality.


Assuming you have Dart installed, add the stagehand dependency by running:

$ pub global activate stagehand

Create the directory in which you wish to generate the files and folders for your dart project and run the associated commands:

$ mkdir bookmark_manager && cd bookmark_manager
$ stagehand web-angular

Update your dependencies and you are good to go!

$ pub get

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Further reading

  1. AngularDart Guide

  2. Auto-Generate the scaffolding for your next project

  3. Get started with Dart course